Womb Portal Clearing Journey
☥ Become initiated into the Temple of the Venus Star ☥
The Temple of the Venus Star was a Sacred Mystery School of Isis Temple for Higher Priestess Initiates of the Magdalene Order.
The Temple of the Venus Star was created during the times of the Egyptian Mystery Schools of Isis for Priestess initiates to receive their Higher Initiations into the Holy Sophia Lineage and activate their Holy Sophia Christ Consciousness.
In this temple, they worked with the light of the Venus Evening Star to integrate the Cosmic Sophia frequencies of Light into their body and consciousness
This Temple was the pathway to the next level of Ascension, where they could embody a new level of Cosmic Sophia Feminine power within their body & consciousness.
The Temple of the Venus Star and the Higher Teachings of the Mystery School of Isis are now returning to our planet to be recoded and re-templated within our Hearts and DNA.
☥ In the Temple of the Venus Star Initiation & Activation…
You will be guided by, Mary Magdalene, Lady Venus & Isis…
You will be initiated into the Temple of the Venus Star and will receive the Venus Star Activation within your Heart & Womb.
You will be activated within your 3rd eye to align to the Venus Star frequency so that you can receive Higher codes of Sophia Light and Isis Mystery School teachings directly from the cosmos.
This Initiation is for those who are ready to embody the next level of their Divine Feminine Power and Sovereignty…
☥ Receive the Venusian Rose Star Activation within your Heart & Womb ☥
Included within this transmission:
🌹 Venusian Rose Star – Wisdom & Teachings
Receive Channelled teachings from Lady Venus and the Mystery Schools of Isis. You will learn about the new templates forming within our Earth and how you can work with them as a Higher Priestess Initiate of Isis.
🌹Temple of the Venus Star Initiation
You will be initiated into the Temple of the Venus Star where you can continue your Priestess journey as a Higher Priestess Initiate of Isis. Once you are initiated within this Temple you will be activated to energetically receive the Higher Cosmic Frequencies & Teachings from the Mystery Schools of Isis. This can be through your dreams, meditations or channelling abilities.
🌹Venusian Rose Star – Heart, Womb & 3rd Eye Activation
You will align with the frequencies of the Venus Evening Star to receive a Venus Star Activation within your Heart, Womb & 3rd Eye so that you may awaken, activate and hold within you the Higher Cosmic Codes of the Venus Star & Mystery Schools of Isis within your cellular being and DNA. This will support you to become more open and receptive to receiving the teachings of Isis on your journey as a Priestess.
When joining this event you will…
🌹 Receive an Initiation into the Temple of the Venus Star and Higher Mystery School Teachings of isis
You will be initiated onto a deeper healing journey of uncovering your core Feminine wounds and restoring them to wholeness.
🌹 Receive the Venus Rose Star Activations within your Heart, Womb & 3rd Eye
this supports a deep Soul purification process for you to release, purge and let go of any old patternings, Karmic cords, relationships or attachments that do not serve your Feminine Christ Sovereignty.
🌹 Awaken your Feminine Christ Sovereignty
You will receive high frequency alchemical transmissions from Isis to awaken your Crystalline Womb, Heart & Sovereignty.
🌹 Strengthen your connection to Isis & Lady Venus
You will receive a transmission to align and deepen your connection to Lady Venus & Isis so that you may be open to their presence and Cosmic Alchemical teachings.
🌹 Accelerate your Priestess Path & journey of Spiritual Mastery
receive High Frequency Healing and Venus Star Activations to awaken and embody your Holy Sophia Christ codes.
Your Instructor
I'm Melissa Astara Rose, Priestess, Channeller, Transference Healer & Creatress of Magdalene Rose Temple.
I'm here to support you to embody your Divine Feminine Lineage and align to your Higher Self, Gifts, Purpose and Destiny as a Lightworker and Priestess.
My lineage is Transference Healing, a 7th Dimensional Lightbody Healing and Ascension Modality which supports you to deeply heal your body, rapidly clear through Karmic restrictions and accelerate the awakening of your Spiritual Gifts and 5th Dimensional Reality.
Magdalene Rose Temple is an online temple space where you will receive Transference Healing teachings and healings, as well as transmissions from the Magdalene Lineage and Ascended Masters guiding you through Sacred Feminine Initiations & Transmissions through the Magdalene Order, Rose Priestess path, Holy Grail Lineage and Stargate Lineages.